One of my favourite things about having moved to Tasmania just over a year ago is how I can just gaze outside at night and see our solar system, or even better, Aurora Australis.
Gazing at the stars around midnight is a humbling experience.
Another aspect of Tasmanian life is how everyone on the island is one of three people.
1. A visitor or tourist. We love them here.
2. A local who knows how good it is.
3. A mainlander (like me) trying to optimise for joy in life, and now they're here.
My favourites are the others like me. We're all just trying to figure out how to optimise our lives for joy - and to see Aurora Australis.
Which is the topic of this month's newsletter.
Every month on the first day of the month I write an email, this email, to most of the Australian celebrant population. You can read past issues at []( Every month 2-3 of you reply, and you don't owe me a reply, but I'm often left wondering if I've optimised for joy enough, is this email valuable and worthwhile to its readers? Is it as colourful as the Aurora Australis?
So this month it's a short email with room for you left to reply.
How can we help you more or better?
Are you optimising for joy?
What do you love or hate about this email?
What's been the peak and the pit of your celebrancy this last month?
Let us know how you're going. We're all ears.
You are enjoying another Celebrant Institute production and you're receiving this email because you're a celebrant. If you aren't a celebrant then I don't know how you ended up here. If you've been forwarded this update and you'd like to subscribe for free, you can do that here.
Hi Josh
I don’t often reply (sorry for that) but did want you to know that every newsletter contains some helpful snippet of inspo or info. I do appreciate it and look forward to it each month.
So please don’t be disheartened and please keep it coming – am sure the silent majority is, as usual, silent…but grateful!
Jacinta Allan-Gange
Hi Josh, Seeing the Aurora Australis is on my bucket list. My peak is just receiving notification in early Feb, that I am now a registered celebrant. I had my first meeting with a couple last week and got my first booking. I am incredibly happy. I love travelling (I flew for over 30 years as a flight attendant) and I am intrigued how you marry people overseas. How can I make that happen for me. Where do I start? Thank you for the emails, Sue
Hi Josh
We love Tasmania and almost did what you have done. Im glad its working out for you.
Ive had no bookings, and only one inquiry about my fee since May last year where I performed in front of 200 guests. I was also a guest at the wedding as I work with the bride at my other job. Complete strangers came up to me and complimented me on the service and the bride & groom were very happy. You have emailed me previously with your fees for improving my website and social media and with it being so expensive and no guarantees of even a contact, I'm reluctant. Do you have examples of others OR better still, hello fellow celebrants whom Josh has helped, jump in here and tell me how you received the inquiries. If I can generate some interest in me, I can do the rest!
Hi Jennifer!
Sounds like you did an amazing job with your first ceremony. I'm also new to celebrancy and wondered how to get the bookings coming in. I started by emailing the event coordinator at wedding venues, introducing myself, and giving the link to my website.<br /> In the email I asked if they would keep me in mind if couples booking their venue asked about celebrants. Several venues asked me to come and meet them and have a chat. Others put my link on their websites. This method has worked well for me with 11 bookings in my first year :) And I'm now starting to receive "word-of-mouth" enquiries :)
This is just one idea, but it's worked for me :) Cheers, Suzanne
Hey man, you know me, I love all your stuff and read this monthly newsletter with delight every time. I even set aside time once it lands in my inbox to really indulge in it and explore all the links and videos and advice that often appears.
Hi! This month's peak has been taking two bookings. The pit? Having to turn down three bookings because the couples were getting married on a weekday and my full-time job means I had to say no.
For me, February marked one year since performing my first ceremony! Yay! So I'd like to quickly share the peak and pit of that first year. The peak was the couple who, immediately after the ceremony, announced they were having a baby.The reaction from their family and friends was like an explosion of joy. Cheers, laughter, shouts, tears, hugs. The couple even hugged me! I felt so happy, and privileged to be there for such a wonderful moment in their lives.
The pit of my first year would be the venue owner who contacted me after overseeing a rehearsal and asking me to take out the Acknowledgement of Country because she owned the property and was't giving it back to anyone (??). Shocked, I told her to take it up with the couple directly if she felt that way, and explained how they had specifically requested the Acknowledgement because the groom was indigenous, many of the guests would be indigenous, and the couple were actually marrying on the traditional land of his people, which was why they'd chosen the venue in the first place. There was immediate backtracking from the owner; "oh, well in that case, that's different then, if they requested it". I didn't mention this conversation to the couple, but it left me feeling very uncomfortable. And disappointed.
Really enjoy these emails, Josh!! Please keep 'em coming! :)
Hi Josh
I am a Tasweigan who decided after 40+ years to spread my wings and move to the big island as I wanted more out of life than my island state could offer.
I now appreciate how beautiful Tassie is but more so, the food has flavour and varieties rather than spuds which are either washed or dirty!
So pleased you have enjoyed your move, embrace life x
Josh, I love your monthly emails 👍 Sometimes they are rambles about celebrant stuff, sometimes they are gems about your Celebrant life, sometimes they are full of useful info, and sometimes they are just darn funny!!!
Hi Josh!<br /> Just stopping by to say I love your inciteful emails and the way you see the world. Not just our celebrant world, but everything from nerdy tech world, to other random topics you talk about. Thanks for being you. Cheers!
Now that’s a tricky one. I generally end up feeling awkward. The expectation can be a bit overwhelming. We are honoured to be officiating for them so respect in return is our expectation.
Hi Josh - I was lucky enough to be in Tasmania over new year this year, and went to Mt Wellington to see the Aurora Australis. It was spectacular (tip, it looks even better through the camera on your phone).I did my first official wedding in February. The actual first ceremony I hosted last year was for a friend, and I hadn't received my celebrant paperwork, so the official celebrant (who was delightful) did the official wording and paperwork, and I did the 'fun stuff'. As a media and comms person, I really enjoy working with the couple on their wedding script and making it personal, yet inclusive of family and friends. I have another two coming up. over the next few months.
A question I would like to your thoughts on is what to charge when you are doing weddings for people you know well, and otherwise would be a guest. It's not about making money so much as respecting the time and effort, travel costs etc.
Hi Josh
I don’t often reply (sorry for that) but did want you to know that every newsletter contains some helpful snippet of inspo or info. I do appreciate it and look forward to it each month.
So please don’t be disheartened and please keep it coming – am sure the silent majority is, as usual, silent…but grateful!